A new edition of tours through the most unique hotels in our city

The Hotel Continental Palacete became a Monument Hotel in 2018. This initiative, promoted by the Barcelona Hotels Guild, has the purpose of highlighting those hotel establishments that, due to their architectural heritage, their uniqueness, their works of art and their history, linked to Barcelona and the hotel sector, they deserve a special distinction.

A tour to enjoy art, architecture, gastronomy and cocktails

In this publication of the well-known magazine “Time Out” you will be able to discover the 20 Monument hotels in Barcelona. Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere that these hotels offer and relive past and dreamy times, while sharing a dinner or a drink in good company.

In the case of the Continental Palacete Hotel, the tour is scheduled for November 23 at 18.30-19-19.30-20h and it is necessary to send an e-mail to palacete@hotelcontinental.com, you will get a confirmation if availability (15 people per tour).


The architectural and artistic wealth of the Hotel Continental Palacete

The architectural characteristics of the hotel are undoubtedly one of the elements most valued by the Barcelona Hotel Guild to grant this distinction.

1863 was the year in which the building that houses the Hotel Continental Palacete was built. The most spectacular and characteristic thing is the conservation of its original rooms in the purest Versailles Louis XV, which were completely restored before opening the hotel in 2002. We can also find typical elements of Catalan Modernism that developed new architectural concepts based on nature. such as the stucco work with floral shapes on many of the high ceilings in the exterior rooms.

In addition, in the hotel there are two spectacular pieces that come from the family legacy. A spectacular chandelier that crowns the Centenario room, with dimensions of one and a half meters in diameter by two meters high and a 3 meter high modernist mahogany wardrobe acquired by the Vallet Arnau family at the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1889.

Hotel Continental Palacete BArcelona

A unique and familiar atmosphere

Our family, dedicated to the hotel industry for more than 100 years, has always liked to innovate and rethink the way to serve our clients better and better. Offer a very personalized and delicate service, the result of family management and so many years of history.

Therefore, when you visit our hotel, you will notice that almost nothing is “Standard”, making every detail become something useful, practical and different that reminds you of our uniqueness and that is nothing like any hotel in the world.

Furthermore, it is a singularity that the work of our teams takes into account. Making the job easier for our beloved maids, who are permanent and have, most of them, been with us for many years. An example of this is centralized vacuuming, which avoids the weight of the vacuum cleaner and facilitates cleaning in a very significant way.

Another differentiating aspect is our 24-hour buffet, always included in the room price. Here you will find more information about this!

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

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