Explore the Future with “Artificial Intelligence”

Discover the fascinating world at the CCCB exhibition!

Never before has a technology influenced our lives so profoundly as artificial intelligence has. From its history to its creative possibilities and the ethical and legislative challenges it poses, immerse yourself in this unique exhibition that invites you to experiment with AI, learn about its risks and discover scientific and artistic innovations that will shape our future.

Only until March 17 at the CCCB!

The Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) is a first-rate cultural facility that deserves a visit and what better occasion than this exhibition on artificial intelligence. It is also located in the Raval neighborhood, five minutes from our Hotel Continental Barcelona.

The CCCB is a multidisciplinary cultural center dedicated to exploring the major themes of contemporary society through different languages ??and formats, with an extensive program that includes major thematic exhibitions, conference cycles and literary meetings, audiovisual screenings and festivals.

Take advantage of your visit to have a drink at the Terracccita Bar-Restaurant with an outdoor terrace and a wide range of breakfasts, creative menus and refreshing cocktails.

Buy tickets at this link

How does AI affect our daily lives? What are the opportunities and risks?

Artificial intelligence worries and fascinates, threatens and offers opportunities. In this context of public conversation and growing dependence on AI, the exhibition invites you to stop and understandably explore this phenomenon that is here to stay. Can we make decisions without the assistance of AI? This is just one of the many questions that arise.

A Fascinating Tour

Through interactive art installations, a timeline with key milestones, reference works created with AI and expert testimony, the exhibition addresses the role of artificial intelligence in everyday life, its impact on scientific and biomedical research, the role of supercomputing, the current legislative situation and potential risks, such as misinformation and racial and gender bias.

Collaborations with Pioneering Artists and Prestige Research Centers

Immerse yourself in human creativity linked to artificial intelligence with works by pioneering artists such as Robert del Naja of Massive Attack, Anna Ridler, Memo Akten, and many more. In addition, research and innovation centers such as the BSC, Axolot.cat, the Music Technology Group of the UPF, the IIIA-CSIC, the CVC or the MIT, have contributed to enriching the experience.

Interactive Experience with 25 Unique Installations

The visit allows you to experience AI first-hand through 25 interactive installations. Smelling the flowers of a tree extinct in the last century or giving voice to a musical composition created with AI are just some of the surprises that await you!

Exceptional Collaboration

“Artificial Intelligence” is an exhibition co-produced by the CCCB and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, coinciding with the arrival at the BSC of one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe, the MareNostrum 5. With the scientific advice of Jordi Torres and the curation of Lluís Nacenta , the exhibition is a unique experience that combines art, science and technology.

Visit the exhibition while you enjoy your stay at the Hotel Continental Barcelona and the Hotel Continental Palacete! and be part of the conversation about the future that artificial intelligence holds for us!

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