For all those painting lovers or even those who fancy filling up on culture their journey in Barcelona, we are pleased to inform you that from last 10th October until 10th January 2016 you can become true testimonies to the transition from Impressionism to the Avant-garde art and its colorfulness.

There were very few chances of witnessing in our city up until 72 reproductions of pieces given from Orsay Museum of Paris.

Great painters from late 19th century to early 20th such as Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne questioned the technics and the tones of the art movement they firstly belonged –the Impressionism- and focused on light and how to capture it without relinquishing rich colors.

With their brush, they embodied the life as it was, ordinary, implying their most subjective creativeness.

These all results, again, can be seen in the former Fundación Godia, the Garriga i Nogués House in Barcelona until 10th January. Ths nenovated art space is palced at 200m from Hotel Continental Palacete, if you are coming to visit us don’t miss it.

The exhibition, El triunfo del color. De Van Gogh a Matisse, (The triumph of color. Van Gogh to Matisse) inaugurates a showroom headed by Mapfre Fundation which we hope will not cease for years of entertaining us while learning.

van gogh barcelona

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