Travelclick & Hotel Continental: A story of success

When two organizations collaborate and take care of each other over the years, an indestructible trust is generated. That trust is the basis of long-term relationships between people and, in this case, between the supplier, Travelclick, and a customer, Hotel Continental.

Find out in this post how TravelClick’s lasting alliance with the Continental Hotel has helped to keep the technology up to date and improve its performance.

Small and family hotels with almost 200 years of family tradition

The case of Travelclick, web provider and online booking engine, is a clear example of success in the choice of technology partner. Professionalism and focus on the needs of Hotel Continental, which, although they are family and small-sized hotels, have managed to endure successfully throughout history. Effort, dedication, updating to the times and a great vocation of service, not only towards the clientele, but also towards the team, the suppliers and the surrounding environment. This is how the Continental Hotel has built its purpose.

“Direct booking helps us improve your experience”

Getting more direct reservations helps Hotel Continental to improve customer service and creation of shared value among all. It is known that OTAs (Online Travel Agency) are awarded commissions that could be considered abusive in some cases. The direct booking channel helps to establish a more direct relationship with the client, to offer the best price, a more equitable income distribution and a better balanced control of expenses and investments.

“In 2010, the OTAs (Online Travel Agency) did not exist. It used to be all direct reservations, but now the pressure of the OTAs is the biggest challenge we face. Now, at Hotel Continental we are very focused on direct reservations because it helps to improve the experience of our clientele and our team, also allows us to offer better rates. ”

José Mª Malagarriga

Owner, Hotel Continental Barcelona

hotel continental barcelona

A responsive website and direct campaigns to fall in love

The family hotel tradition of the Continental Hotel dates back to 1826 and, as it cannot be otherwise, throughout these years, it has needed to adapt to technological innovation. Thanks to Travelclick’s innovative solutions, it has managed to maintain its position in the market, continue to improve results and maintain and care its team,  essential for success.

The Travelclick Solution

As the Continental Hotel’s confidence in TravelClick has deepened over time, they have been able to be more creative with their direct strategy. After a huge success with their first digital media campaign and based on the information they obtained from TravelCIick’s business intelligence tools, they decided to implement a Metasearch strategy to drive traffic to

Once guests arrive on the direct channel of the Continental Hotel, a private offer promotion and calls to action makes it easy for them to book directly offering the best rate. TravelClick packages have been essential to ensure that customers get the best rate and option for their reservation.

“The booking engine and the channel manager have opened us to new markets that we had never reached before. Thanks also to the success of digital campaigns we have managed to attract our direct channel since TravelClick’s relationship with Google is preferred. ”

Jose Mª Malagarriga

Owner, Hotel Continental Barcelona

The Travelclick team hand in hand to always bring its support

“Everyone within TravelClick feels like friends. Our alliance helps us feel free to discuss the challenges of the market and propose new solutions. TravelClick support has helped us maintain great growth despite all the changes and challenges that have occurred in recent years. ”

José Mª Malagarriga

Owner, Hotel Continental Barcelona

Thank you so much for reading our trust story with Travelclick!

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