Every 17th March is commemorated throughout most of the world the death of the Apostle of Ireland, which is known as San Patricio. Many are those who venerate the introducer of Christianity in Irish land raising pints, bottles and other containers filled with beer, but the truth is that few people actually know who he was. And especially why Saint Patricks is a festival that is celebrated around the world?

Why is the day of Saint Patricks one of the most celebrated international festivals?

saint patricks barcelona

St. Patrick was a Christian missionary who was born around 387 in Bennhaven Taberniae in Scotland. At 16 he was kidnapped by pirates and sold a a slavery. He was a prisoner six years in Ireland, where he learned the Celtic language and throw yourself into the religion.

After several attempts, he escaped and moved to France where he was ordained as a priest. When he was 46 he returned to the island and became a preacher of Catholicism in Ireland, which at that time was divided into numerous clans under the powerful authority of the Druids. He remained there nearly three decades, until his death on March 17 of the year 461. St. Patrick’s Day is currently celebrated to commemorate his death.

Pubs where to celebrate St. Patrick in Barcelona

  • George Payne. A wide space as it is the George Payne gives visitors the opportunity to make a journey of thousands of miles to the island just through the door. In its two plants you can breathe the aroma so characteristic of an Irish pubs that do not exist in others bars.
    Plaça d’Urquinaona, 5, 08010 Barcelona
  • Michael Collins. It was opened in 1997. Located in the Eixample district of Barcelona, near the Sagrada Familia. One of the most famous Irish pubs in the city. You can consult the extensive schedule of activities and events on their website.

    Plaza Sagrada Familia, 4, 08013 Barcelona

Dónde beber cerveza artesana en Barcelona

Here we present a selection of bars in Barcelona where they serve craft beer If you’re a beer lover let you advise for them, you’ll find in all of them the real experts:

  • Ale-hop. Is a bar restaurant that cult craft beer and have a tasty vegetarian and vegan cuisine. Find a family atmosphere and friendly treatment.http://www.aleandhop.com
    Carrer de les Basses de Sant Pere, 10, 08003 Barcelona
  • La Cerveteca. A classic in Barcelona. Located near the post office building at the end of Via Laietana A cultural meeting space focused around beer and everything related to it.http://www.lacerveteca.com/
    Carrer d’En Gignàs, 25, 08002 Barcelona
  • La Cervecera Artesana. The micro brewery in Barcelona. In the lower part of Gracia you will find this spot dedicated to beer. You can not only see the brewing, also you can try it. The microbrewery produce over 4 different beers All are elegant and exclusive production A perfect place to enjoy a native pint.

    Sant Agustí, 14, 08012 Barcelona

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