mwc barcelona 2015Barcelona will be this March and for one more year the melting pot of mobile industry leaders, visionaries and innovators.

Since 2006, the Catalan city has been the venue for the Mobile World Congress, the foremost consolidated event of mobile telephony technology.

From 2nd to 5th of March, all the latest breakthroughs, current and future innovations and the expansion of knowledge concerning communication technology will be introduced to the world by mobile devices and services suppliers, content providers and distributors and a quite a lot of others experts in the field of mobile communication.

To appreciate the size and value of MWC 2015, a glance to the data from the previous 2014 Mobile Congress edition will suffice: more than 85.000 professionals, over 1.800 exhibitors, 3.400 journalists and analysts covered the event.

Among the invited speakers, there were one of the five co-founders and CEO of the social networking website Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg; Jan Koum –CEO and co-founder of Whatsapp–; the current Chairwoman and CEO of IBM Virginia Rometty and Jon Matonis, Executive Director of Bitcoin Foundation.

According to experts, this 2015 will be the year of the smart watches and the virtual reality glasses. Hence that Oculus Rift and variants are foreseen as one of the leading products of MWC2015.

All in all, Barcelona is specially offering for 3 days a mixture of technology, business, tourism, culture, entertainment and fun to all the Mobile World Congressmen and companions.

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