Preserving Our Heritage & Improving Guest Comfort

Preserving the history of our heritage hotels is no easy task. What inspires us to ensure our Las Ramblas hotel and its rooms retain their storied charm for the next generation? Let us tell you a little about the work we have been doing at both Hotel Continental and Hotel Continental Palacete, and why we believe it is worth the effort to do it right.

Hotel Continental

Why It Matters

Nearly a century has passed since one of Barcelona’s most famous historic hotels opened its doors, and it is seen a lot in its hundred-year history. In its earliest days during the Spanish Civil War, the hotel was reborn as the seat of local government, La Generalitat. The 1930s also saw the hotel welcome one of its most famous guests, George Orwell. Not only did he write his novel ‘Homage to Catalonia’ in the hotel, but he also entertained guests as varied as a young JFK and the famous Prime Minister of India, Nehru. The hotel’s grand history reached its heights in the fifties when it was the hotel of choice for the who is who of the Barcelona scene, and saw innovations such as the famous Automatic Bar, and the first hotel in Barcelona to have a TV.

Hotel Continental Barcelona

What We Have Done

Guests booking a room at this famous hotel on Las Ramblas can expect the same level of heritage, history, and hospitality but with sensitively upgraded and improved room furnishings and fittings. The wrought-iron balcony furniture has been given a fresh facelift for a little more elegance when people-watching-and-Cava-sipping on Barcelona’s most famous street. Inside the bedroom the bed linen is fresh and extra comfortable, the restored brass bedsteads catch the light through big windows, and carefully chosen soft furnishings complement these classically appointed rooms. And finally, the restrictions of COVID-19 lockdowns gave us an unexpected opportunity to invite Manolo, our expert painter, to work his magic on the hotel ceilings.

Hotel Continental Palacete Barcelona

Hotel Continental Palacete

Why It Matters

As a classified Spanish Historical Monument, we carefully approach any upgrades, modernizing, or restoration work at Hotel Continental Palacete. With a history going back to 1863, this mansion home is renowned for its crystal glasses and silver cutlery, its marble fireplace, and its famous Louis XV style lounge. The gold reliefs and stunning ceilings of our Rococo lounge have graced the pages of fashion magazines and TV advertisements, but remain true to their spirit as a place to relax and feel at home.

Hotel Continental Palacete Barcelona

What We Have Done

While we were one of the very few hotels allowed to stay open during the lockdown period and given special status as a Guard Hotel, we have also used the limited occupancy as an opportunity for a more extensive refurbishment on this grand Barcelona hotel. Check in to one of the renovated exterior rooms and guest comfort has been enhanced with some thoughtful touches both contemporary, and classic. Large flat-screen TVs are a welcome addition to many rooms, period-correct chandeliers retain the heritage of the building, and new soft furnishings like bed linen and curtains add to the fresh and welcome feeling enjoyed by guests. One of our favorite works undertaken, that might go unnoticed by many, is the ceilings that have been lovingly and painstakingly restored to their original glory.

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