The Hotel Continental Guide to Keeping Resolutions. We’re already a few weeks into 2019, and it’s time to ask yourself – how are your resolutions going? Has your ‘dry January’ become a bit of a washout? Have your running shoes taken a little jog to the back of the closet? Or are you finding a new lease in life and already starting to see the benefits? Whether you’re a New Year’s resolution keeper or yours are already starting to slip…don’t give up.

Our purposes for 2019

As one of Barcelona’s most-loved heritage hotels we love to look back, celebrate our past and orientate ourselves to the future. We continuously evaluate ourselves to improve the experience of our guests, enhance our positive impacts on society and reduce the negative ones in the world around us. By 2019, our great purpose is to gradually eliminate single-use plastic in our 24-hour buffet. Our goal is to improve the experience of our customers and be more sustainable and responsible with the environment and society.

We’ve put together some top tips on keeping your resolutions and making 2019 the year of looking forward.Hotel Continental Resolution 2019 sustainability

Five Ways to Make A Success of Your Resolutions

  1. Be Realistic. It’s not failure if you miss a gym class or you haven’t even finished one new book yet. Most resolutions fail when you lose sight of the end goal. So, if you’ve had a setback, that doesn’t mean you have to stop. Don’t be afraid to scale back your ambitions and then work towards your goal throughout the year. You don’t have to accomplish everything on January 1st.
  2. Get Focused. If you’re the kind of person who makes a list of 50 New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Eve, you might have been setting yourself up for failure. Take a look at your list of resolutions again and see which are most important and which will bring you the most joy. Focus on them. Even choosing just one resolution and succeeding with that is better than 50 resolutions that never make it past January.
  3. Take Small Steps. Start with small goals that you can achieve and that will help you work towards your main goal. Keep on adding small stepping-stone goals and you’ll get there without realising it.
  4. Write It Down. Keep a record of how you’ve done – both your successes and your failures. If you didn’t do as well as you’d hoped, write down what got in the way. It will give you a better chance of succeeding next time.
  5. Tell Your Friends. Choose some close friends or family members to share your resolutions with. Not only can they help you to reach your goals with positive peer pressure, but perhaps they share the same resolution. Having a running-buddy or someone that helps you resist taking a smoke break will help you make a success of your 2019 New Year’s resolutions.

We wish to all the people around Hotel Continental, customers, employees, collaboration companies… reach their own goals! We wish all of you the best for 2019!

See you soon!

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