More than 11.3k followers on Instagram & 128 M monthly listeners on Spotify!

Souljah Jerome whose stage name is NOITE 13 has released a new single “Celos” (Jealousy in Spanish). In just 6 days already has almost 4,000 views on YouTube!

It has been a great pleasure to be the scene of this new song that, as almost always, NOITE13 wants to convey a background message.

With a somewhat transgressed, daring and unconventional staging, he manages to attract young audiences and achieve a great connection with them.

“Jealousy is something they have wanted to impose on us …”

The video, which you can see here, ends with a very interesting reflection on jealousy in the couple, here we transcribe it:

“Jealousy is something that they have wanted to impose on us since we were born so that we don’t really love each other and don’t let our paths flow as they are. You have to learn to be and love yourself both with a partner and without. When you find the real person, neither of you will do anything to break loyalty and no one will have to mistrust the other because everything will be connected”.

Noite13 Souljah Jerome Celos Hotel Continental Palacete

Find out more about who is behind the groundbreaking, transgressive look

We copied the latest post on IG from NOITE13, we love the way he is and explain, that’s why we’d like to share with you here!

“I’m sorry but I needed to get this out: I’ve been singing and writing my own songs for almost half my life and I will never tire of doing it. But I want the people who listen to me to understand that I’m going to do absolutely what I want with my music because I don’t write for anyone other than myself. When I write something it is because I feel it at that moment and if I become famous or not, I totally sweat it. What really matters to me is to be able to sing my whole life because it really is what gives meaning to my life, and if it weren’t for the music I would feel totally empty. The fact that I change musical genre does not mean that I have stopped feeling the music as before, exactly the other way around. I am moving forward and opening myself to more paths because it makes me happy and I feel fulfilled doing it. I appreciate all the people who support me, those who no longer and those who criticize me, because there is always something to learn and accept from oneself.

What has been said no matter what happens, I will continue to be myself and sing whatever I want at all times, without looking for anything, simply being myself on this path that I have had to walk.

Many blessings to all the artists who follow a dream with passion! Never lose that love for art, for fame, for money or whatever! Because not losing that will make you (succeeding or not) feel full doing it, and that is the most important thing”.

One Love – Souljah Jerome

Thank you very much NOITE13 for choosing Continental Palacete Hotel to record “Celos” videoclip!

Congratulations on being who you are!

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