Barcelona has been highlighted this year again as the European Capital city of crime fiction. From 28th January to 6th February, BCNegra on its 11th edition will be hosting even French and Scottish writers as well as Valencians ones.

The event, organized by the Institute of Culture of Barcelona, will include a main stage among others, the Capilla del Conservatorio del Liceu (88 Nou de la Rambla Str.) located just a few minutes walking distance from our Continental Barcelona and Continental Palacete Hotels in the very heart of Barcelona.

The venue will be the melting pot of readers and noir fiction writers. Professionals and enthusiasts of this hardboiled genre who will be dedicating their works or getting their precious books dedicated.

With more than fifty free events, panel discussions, lectures, films, exhibitions and special programs at various locations, BCNegra make an essential appointment for fans of black and crime novel.


The writer Donna Leon, creator of Guido Brunetti, the Venetian commissioner protagonist of one of the most widely read sagas of black detective genre, will collect the XI Pepe Carvalho Award in the Saló de Cent of Barcelona City Council on 4th February at 7pm.

Among the follow-up activities, particular mention could be made of the “Discussion” on Friday 5th February within its participants will be attending Donna Leon, the journalist Rosa Mora and the BCNegra commissioner Paco Camarasa.

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