Rihanna in Barcelona next week

This artist from Barbados, at just 25 years old has become a musical phenomenon and occupies an outstanding position among today’s pop divas. She is now back in the city within her Diamonds World Tour to perform live her songs that are already number one, such as...

3rd Burlesque Festival in El Molino

Next 22 to 26 of May there will take place in Barcelona the third edition of the Burlesque Festival. El Molino, one of the most famous theatres in Barcelona will be hosting the festival, the creative vocation of the El Molino theatre will be the ideal place to...

The evening of the museums in Barcelona

Once again, next saturaday 18th May museums around the city are offering you the opportunity to discover them in a very special way. With this initiative, you can visit over 60 centres free of charge, which open from 7 pm to 1 am to offer a range of activities...

La Festa Catalana with all Catalan traditions.

If you’re lucky, maybe you will be in the city when it is celebrating one of the traditionals festivals in Barcelona you’ll enjoy a city that dazzles and is proud of its diverse and unique traditional culture: you’ll thrill to the spectacle of the human towers,...