Museu_de_la_Xocolata_de_Barcelona_façanaEl Museo del Chocolate de Barcelona está ubicado en el antiguo convento de Sant Agustí. You will enjoy a journey through the origins of chocolate, its arrival in Europe and its spread as an element between myth and reality, its medicinal properties and nutritional value.

Since the age of discovery in the 15th century, chocolate has played a role in the economic and social fabric of Barcelona. Along these lines, Barcelona port acted as a starting point for the sale and distribution of the product all over Europe.

The Chocolate Museum is located in a historic building, another great incentive to visit this museu located on the street Comerç nº 36 in the Born district of Barcelona.

Besides visiting the museum offers a series of activities designed to enjoy the chocolate, such as chocolate tastings, wine, champagne and brandy accompanied by chocolate or for dark chocolate lovers a tasting 100%, definitely an explosion of flavor and aromas.

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