Hotel Continental supports “Spreading Purpose in Tourism” the challenge created by Segundo Mundo RSCC

Traveling in a responsible and sustainable way is a growing priority for tourists. Companies are increasingly launching initiatives aimed at improving environmental protection and commitment to social problems.

Segundo Mundo RSCC is a training and advice consultancy on sustainable tourism and Corporate and Citizen Social Responsibility. Its purpose is precisely to promote the ethics, responsibility and sustainability among organizations.

Check in this video the wining projects and the conference “Spreading Purpose in Tourism” by Pili Malagarriga, Segundo Mundo RSCC Cofounder and international lecturer.

Hotel Continental Barcelona Segundo Mundo Responsible Tourism

The challenge “Spreading Purpose in Tourism” at JOBarcelona20

Hotel Continental wants to demonstrate its commitment to young talent and sustainable tourism through supporting the challenge “Spreading the purpose in tourism” within the framework of JOBarcelona20, the International Employment and Professional Orientation Congress for undergraduates and junior profiles, that will take place at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya on March 26, 2020

What is “Spreading Purpose in Tourism” about?

Young candidates who wish to participate must present – creatively – a set of 10 tips for travelers to guarantee the sustainability of their experience in a destination.

With their proposal they should encourage their public to be aware of the impact of their visit and thus contribute to guaranteeing the quality of life of residents and the environment.

The proposal presentation format is free, it can be a video, a brochure, a fixed or interactive info graphic… There are no limits! And can prepare the project individually, couple or group.

The advice should be about clear and realizable actions by anyone. Above all they have the strength to influence the audience so that they have a responsible and sustainable behaviour when traveling.

The HR Director of Hotel Continental Jury member

To evaluate the proposals of the candidates, Segundo Mundo RSCC has Susana Moreno, Human Resources director of Hotel Continental.

The rest of the jury is:

  • Marta de Llauder, Fundadora y Directora de JOBarcelona20
  • Santiago Hernández, Director de Hotels Barcelona Princess
  • Susana Moreno, Directora de Recursos Humanos de Hotel Continental S.A.
  • José Antonio Pérez Aranda, Director Académico del CETT-UB
  • Antonino Vaccaro, Director Académico del Center for Business in Society de IESE
  • Josep Maria Gómez, Cap de Turisme Sostenible i AccessibleTurisme de Barcelona
  • Pili Malagarriga, Cofundadora Directora de Segundo Mundo RSCC  

Segundo Mundo RSCC JOBarcelona Hotel Continental BArcelona

Awards for the winning team

The three most creative projects that consider the four pillars of social sustainability (environmental, economic and cultural) and that are more attractive will get fantastic prizes:

  • 1st one-night stay for two people, courtesy of Hotel Continental Palacete de Barcelona
  • 2nd Dinner for two, courtesy of Hotel Barcelona Princess de Barcelona
  • 3rd Wine tasting at the Columbus monument for two people courtesy of Turisme de Barcelona

Encourage the youth talent around you to participate!

To participate you just have to be a candidate in JOBarcelona, ??this is to be a university or junior graduate and submit your proposal before March 15, 2020.

Check the rules at


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