Happy to offer you a special rose today “Diada de Sant Jordi”

Today, Diada de Sant Jordi (Saint George in Catalan) we are offering to our guests and team a “special” rose.

A rose full of emotion and solidarity.

Because for this Sant Jordi (April 23, 2019), the Continental Hotel has decided to give roses that have been made by homeless people who live in Barcelona streets.

Thanks to Arrels Fundació, this people receive attention and guidance to improve their living conditions.

With this small gesture, Hotel Continental wants to join the Arrels Foundation campaign #ningúdormintalcarrer (nobody sleeping in the street, in Catalan), and collaborate with this cause.

Hotel Continental Barcelona Sant Jordi Fundació Arrels

A very elegant and unisex roses!

Wear this rose on the lapel makes us feel happy.

In addition to elegant and unisex, they convey our solidarity and our commitment to the homeless cause.

Small handmade roses accompanied by a book point. A Miquel Fuster ilustration. Miquel was a cartoonist that lived on the street for 15 years.

You will discover in this video how these beautiful roses have been made.

Do you want to know Arrels Fundació and its work?

Hotel Continental Sant Jordi Arrels fundacióArrels Fundació is an NGO that since 1987 serves and guides homeless people in Barcelona.

It offers social and health care to more than 2,000 people per year. Arrels guarantees accommodation for those who are in a more vulnerable situation.

More than 400 volunteers and some sixty workers, together with the people affected by this problem, work to make possible #ningudormintalcarrer.

In Barcelona there are 3,500 homeless people. 956 sleep directly on the street, while the rest do so in settlements, hostels and public and private facilities.

Arrels care programs are: Visits in the street, health care, first reception, meaningful activities, food, not being alone, accommodation, social support, social awareness, conducting censuses and reports of abuse or injustice.

Share and spread solidarity

The complicity of society is essential to achieve the challenge of # ningúdormintalcarrer, that is the reason why Hotel Continental wants to support the work of Arrels foundation and make visible this problem that affects all the major cities of the world.

Hotel Continental BArcelona Sant Jordi Arrels fundació

Thank you very much to our guests and team for sharing this story and this “Diada de Sant Jordi” with us!

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