Mobiles is now a force transforming our world in an unprecedented way, and Mobile World Congress is the global epicenter of this redefinition.
Far more than a mere communication device, mobiles now serve as our books, health monitors, payment transfer devices, social connectors and tour guides. Mobile technology is embedded in our cars, homes, appliances, governments and utilities. Mobiles are enhancing and expanding education and thus, transforming the world.
Mobile World Congress 2012 will celebrate the current state of mobile and offer a glimpse into where mobile has the potential to go next.
Depending on the pass you select, you can participate in the many components that make up Mobile World Congress:

A world-class thought-leadership conference featuring visionary keynotes and panel discussions
A cutting-edge product and technology exhibition featuring 1,400 exhibitors
The world’s best venue for seeking industry opportunities, making deals, and networking
App Planet, the Centre of the Mobile Apps Universe

The 2011 Mobile World Congress was the largest and most exciting event to date, yet they´re planning an even better event in 2012. Mark your calendars now – you won’t want to miss it! 27 Feb-1 March

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