If you are in Barcelona, you probably saw funny, little, yellow and cool cars driving around in the city. When you saw them, you might have thought, what is this? Well, these are the GoCars! It is impossible to see somebody without a smile in these cars, since it is one of the most fun ways to explore the city!

When you arrive at the GoCar garage (be careful, it is not a easy place to find, so check out first exactly where it is before you start walking towards the garage!), you are welcomed by the staff and they show you a short video with all the information you need for the experience, where the breaks are, the lights etcetera. There is also at the back of the car, extra space to put your belongings safe and locked. It is easy to open with the key, so if you shop a little bit on your way, it is not a problem to putt everything safe away in the GoCar!
There are 3 routes you can take with the GoCar, if you go off the route, the GPS leaded guide will stop talking. If you get lost, you always have a map with the main streets and lines where the routes are of the GoCar to find your way back. If you want to change to another route, the car will tell you where exactly you can change to another route and what kind of sights you will see if you go to one sight or another.

Passing the beach, Sagrada Familia, La Rambla, Arc de Triomph, Parc de Ciutadella and many other sights that Barcelona has to offer, the car will tell you lots of interesting things about the landmarks, but has good humor as well. By the way, the car is a woman, and she is looking for a nice guy to spend her life with. If you know a good candidate, take her out for a ride and she will tell you more about herself!

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