The European most unique motor revival is celebrating its 5th edition this weekend in Barcelona-Catalunya Circuit.

During the next 17th, 18th and 19th April Espíritu de Monjuïc (the Spirit of Monjuïc) invites you once again to a magical step back in time, mounted on your classic car or not. You will be able to relive a time when racing meant much more than just to power and step on the gas pedal. For both parents and children, the Montjuïc circuit -a former street circuit located on the Montjuïc Mountain in Barcelona- was considered among the best Formula One circuits of all time where young and old experienced very dramatic scenes when pilots were challenging the sinuosity of its track at speeds that really made someone get the willies.

Espíritu de Monjuïc

This is precisely the feeling wanted to regain during the three days of the event: a jump to a fuel perfumed air time, in which “the Magic Mountain” –as they liked to name the circuit- has been now moved to the Barcelona-Catalunya Circuit for one more year. Therefore, all who were not able to experience it fully are given for a whole weekend a golden era of races and the world that existed around it.

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