Incredible exhibition at CCCB, five minuts walking distance from Continental Hotel

Is it possible to imagine another way of living with and on the planet? «Science Friction. Living Among Companion Species” explores these issues through a selection of artistic works and popular science pieces, which will be open to the public until November 28 at the CCCB, very close to our hotels. An opportunity to walk the streets of the surprising and diverse Raval neighborhood, on the way to the exhibition.

Paradigm shift

The approach to a change in mentality and sensitivity runs through the entire exhibition: The transition from anthropocentrism – a human-centered worldview that has prevailed in the Western worldview – to biocentrism – the human is understood as part of an ecosystem. In which the supremacy of the human species is questioned and includes a vision of the world understood as an ecosystem in which all the species on the planet coexist. The human being is one more piece within the ecosystem, recognizing our interdependence and the need for cooperation.

“If, as Haraway and Margulis argue, the entire Earth is alive, it is time to abandon the myth of supremacy and regain contact with our many Earth companions.”, Maria Ptqk

By retaking a sensitive and relational gaze with other living beings, with the living planet, the ecological crisis is understood as a crisis of coexistence, a crisis of relationship. To support this story, the exhibition is very rich in artistic works in different media, such as immersive audiovisual and sound installations, virtual reality, painting, drawing, and avant-garde cinema, as well as pieces of scientific dissemination.

The evolution of nature rights

The exhibition culminates with Time-Life-Time by Jaime Serra (2021), an artistic installation produced especially for the exhibition and dedicated to the movement for the rights of nature. According to this movement, it must be recognized that animal and plant species, as well as rivers, mountains, valleys, or ecosystems, must be protected for their intrinsic value, just because they exist, regardless of their usefulness to humans.

A movement that is complemented by the paradigm shift that is being transmitted with the work of the curator of the exhibition Maria Ptqk, a series of creators, thinkers, and scientists from around the world, and the collaboration and scientific advice of Ricard Guerrero, professor of microbiology at the University of Barcelona, ??and Rubén Duro Pérez, scientific communicator.

The CCCB in the unique Raval neighborhood

Located a couple of streets from the Ramblas and our Continental Barcelona hotel, the CCCB -Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona – is a space dedicated to exploring the great issues of contemporary society through different languages ??and formats. This year the Xcèntric, the CCCB’s cinema, is celebrating its 20th anniversary, a regular program of screenings dedicated to experimental and artists cinema. So if you go in this month of November, you can also enjoy a set of screenings, performances, and talks that make up a tribute to cinema as a collective experience.

On the way to the CCCB you can walk through the streets of the Raval, a neighborhood with a great personality, full of life and very diverse, capable of causing an infinite number of sensations. We recognize that it is not the most cared part of the city, but it is the most diverse part, full of history and contrasts, which is why it is worth visiting. You can finish your visit to the CCCB in an emblematic bar or cafeteria in the neighborhood, recommendations from l’Eix Comercial del Raval, or the Boquería market.

El Raval, the CCCB, the Continental Barcelona, and Continental Palacete hotels are waiting for you!

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