Puccini’s music is unequalled in its ability to arouse emotion and make us feel the characters’ joy and pain as though they were our own. From 21th to 27 th March it will be played at Teatre Liceu. An opportunity to visit this the main Barcelona’s opera house, the Gran Teatre del Liceu, was founded on the Rambla in 1847 and has continued over the years to fulfil its role as a culture and arts centre and one of the symbols of the city.

Madama Butterfly (Milan, 1904) tells the harrowing tale of Butterfly (Cio-Cio-San), a geisha in Nagasaki, who trusts blindly in the love of a cynical American naval officer. But after marrying her under a Japanese law that allows the wife to be repudiated, Pinkerton goes home to America. When Butterfly discovers that the man she loves has come back with his American wife and wants to take charge of the son she bore him after his departure, she puts an end to her western dream and commits hara-kiri.

To know more about the opea you can visit the Teatre Liceu website, you can also buy your tickets online from 12,25€. We encorage you to discover this fantastic theatre building while you enjoy one of the most important operas. If you are interested to know more about the history of the Teatre Liceu building you can find it out here.


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