Have you been in Plaça España? Likely you already know about the Palau Nacional and the national museum MNAC or another small monument in Barcelona city, the Pavelló Mies Van der Rohe, but have you visited the building of Caixa Forum? It is old factory for textile-production. The well-known catalan architect Puig i Cadafalch completed the Casaramona factory in 1911, culminating his art-nouveau period with it. La Caixa acquired the building and in 1992 it was decided to return this building of great artistic value to Barcelona.

We recommend to visit this building, there is a display of showing artwork, for exemple until 19th May they present the exhibition ‘Seduced by Art’. A part of the exhibitions there are also other activities as spectacles of dance and musics, conferences, etc. Here you will find a summary of this exhibition, an interesting researcg about the link between paintings and the first photography works.

What is the connection between the great masterpieces of painting, the first photographs and the work  of some contemporary photographers? The exhibition shows the way in which the pioneers of photography adopted historical art as a point of reference and as a stimulus to their creativity. It also shows how today’s photographers take their inspiration from the same sources and rework the same themes, but by using new media that were unimaginable just a few years ago, and filtering them through a modern sensibility.

The exhibition entrance is free. If you want there is guide tours at  Guided tours for the general public, you may have to book as they are limited places (the price have a cost of 3€ per person and you can book it by phone: 934 768 630).

Download full folder Seduced by Art (PDF, 330 KB)

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