Next 22 to 26 of May there will take place in Barcelona the third edition of the Burlesque Festival. El Molino, one of the most famous theatres in Barcelona will be hosting the festival, the creative vocation of the El Molino theatre will be the ideal place to experience it.

The event begins on the 22nd of May with the inaugural party and competition. Beginning at 8.30 pm, candidates for the festival competition will be performing on the stage of this popular variety theatre.

Throughout the week of the 22nd to the 26th, there will be special burlesque performances every evening and habitual performers from El Molino as well as international stars will be taking to the stage. The early hours of Saturday the 25th will play host to the galactic Cabaret Burlesque Party, a theme party with DJs and live music and Sunday will see the final performances of the festival.

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