por Hotel Continental | nov 24, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
On behalf of Hotel Continental Barcelona and Hotel Continental Palacete we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Feliz día de Acción de Gracias! Feliç Dia d´Acció de Gracies Joyeux Thanksgiving Felice Giorno del Ringraziamento Glücklich Thanksgiving Day Lykkelig...
por Hotel Continental | nov 23, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
Join us at our hotel for FREE THANKSGIVING TURKEY! Thanksgiving is a holiday primarily celebrated in the United States. Thanksgiving originated from a mix of European and Native traditions. Typically in Europe, festivals were held before and after the harvest cycles...
por Hotel Continental | nov 22, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
Sometimes we feel frustrated that people think Barcelona is just about football, cheap drinks, beaches and Gaudi. There really is so much more to this city. If you have time and a little patience, you will find a wealth of hidden treasures in the form of art and...
por Hotel Continental | nov 21, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
Who said it was too early to start Christmas shopping? Barcelona is a great city to shop, but nearing the Christmas holidays you’ll feel like child once again, spoilt for choices. Aside from visiting the many cultural sites that this Mediterranean city offers, there...
por Hotel Continental | nov 19, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
International Auto Retro Barcelona brings together enthusiastic vehicle collectors from different parts of Spain at an international forum where a variety of motor vehicle models are displayed for the perusal of a large number of attendees. Exhibitors of the latest...
por Hotel Continental | nov 15, 2011 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
EIBTM provides exhibitors, Hosted Buyers, and trade visitors alike the chance to submerge themselves in a dynamic and business-focused environment, providing professional education and serious networking opportunities. It is the world’s leading Global Meetings and...