por Hotel Continental | ene 22, 2014 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
Get the best price this weekend in Hotel Continental Palacete! We have a Special Promotion for Sunday 26th. Get a break and come to barcelona, you won’t regret it! More than 20% discount! Our Superior Rooms at 69€!! You will be able to enjoy our special rooms in...
por Hotel Continental | dic 4, 2013 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
Disfruta de Barcelona estas fiestas con Christmas Shopping Barcelona Offer. Barcelona es la ciudad ideal para realizar las compras de Navidad. Multitud de tiendas situadas en calles muy céntricas, como el Portal de l’Àngel, Passeig de Gràcia y Rambla Catalunya y...
por Hotel Continental | nov 19, 2013 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
Shopping Night Barcelona llega a su tercera edición consolidándose como uno de los eventos más esperados de Barcelona. Una de las calles más importantes de la ciudad se convierte por una noche en el centro de todas las miradas. El próximo 28 de noviembre el Passeig de...
por Hotel Continental | sept 4, 2013 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
ERS 2013 will be held in Barcelona, Spain at FIRA BARCELONA. Our hotels, Hotel Continental Barcelona and Hotel Continental Palacete will accomodate part of the visitors to the event. From today to friday they will be arribing and we look forward to welcoming them....
por Hotel Continental | abr 22, 2013 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
The 23rd April is a special day in world literature for two reasons. Firstly it commemorates the death of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, who died with a difference of only a few hours on 22nd and 23rd April of 1616. In addition, it is also Sant Jordi’s...
por Hotel Continental | abr 3, 2013 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
Spring has arrived, the good weather and awaited events like Primavera Sound 2013 in Barcelona city. Once again, one of the most important european festivals will be celebraed in Barcelona. The dates for the Primavera Sound 2013 will be from 22 to 26 May in the Parc...