The Global Sport Forum is taking place from 09/03/11 until 11/03/11, in Palau de Congresos de Cataluña. The Global Sports Forum is officially supported by the City of Barcelona, and is an exchange platform attracting a wide range of personalities from the world of sport. Thanks to its unique emphasis on the position of sport at the heart of modern society, the Forum is a place where people come together and debate issues, the aim being to highlight sport in all its dimensions: economic, social, political and cultural.

The Global Sports Forum Barcelona represents a magnificent opportunity to come together and make the most of a truly international platform:

1. Thematic clusters
Debates on long-term trends in sport and the burning topics on the day, with speakers from a variety of backgrounds proposing policy recommendations to be shared with the wider international sporting community.

2. Networking
A chance to meet and exchange views with people from the same fields and others from different environments.

3. Experience sharing
The Global Sports Forum Barcelona is the place to propose and share ideas, to consider new opportunities and put forward best practices in sport.

The Global Sports Forum Barcelona offers a warm welcome to:

-Sport federations, clubs and organisations
-Former and current athletes
-Political leaders and government representatives
-Representatives of local bodies
-Business leaders
-Marketing and sponsorship decision-makers
-Foundations, NGOs and charity organisations
-Health experts
-Academics and education stakeholders

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