Primavera Sound Barcelona 2015

Primavera Sound Barcelona 2015

Fusion of music, sea views and the finest audiences In barely two weeks it will take place one of the music festivals branded as an unavoidable event in Europe: the Primavera Sound of Barcelona. The Festival poster became public for the first time in a hidden...
Festa de la Mercè 2014

Festa de la Mercè 2014

La Mercè is the festivity of Barcelona that is celebrated since 1871 every 24th of september on the occasion of the feast of Virgin of Merced, patroness of the city. This year La Mercè will fill the city with activities 22, 23 and 24th September. Three very intense...
Bona Nit Barcelona 2014

Bona Nit Barcelona 2014

The Bona Nit Barcelona festival will take place on July 19 in the Poble Espanyol de Barcelona. It is a sustainable festival that offers to the public a extensive engaging experience. Bona Nit Barcelona has a program with its own identity and is complemented with a...
The Festival of Saint John in Barcelona

The Festival of Saint John in Barcelona

Saint John is already here! the shortest night of the year, the magic night, bonfires and fireworks, the night of the festival of Saint John! Barcelona won’t sleep tonight and every neighborhood enjoys its own festival. The indispensable companion of the...