The tranquillity and security of Barcelona in front of MWC cancellation

The cancellation of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) has been sad news for Barcelona and, how could it be otherwise, for the hotel sector.

Hotels have been working together with the official agency for months to offer the best service and the best accommodation according to the profiles and needs of the companies.

A coordinated action by the Bnetwork official agency and the Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona (the city hotel association) that make it possible to guarantee the right conditions and ensure the requirements of the companies that visit us, avoiding abuse and ensuring good practices.

There is still speculation about the possible causes of this cancellation, we will not go into it, although we would like to highlight in this post, the tranquillity to the global citizenship that Barcelona is a safe city, both in terms of stability and health.


The pride of being a hotel in Barcelona with a tradition of 200 years

We are hoteliers, we have a deep vocation of service, we understand that comfort, safety and tranquillity of our guests is paramount. Therefore, we have to respect this decision, although doubts arise about the reasons.

We have been serving our clientele from Barcelona for 200 years and we will continue to do so with the same enthusiasm and effort. We hope together to digest this bad news better and to explain to the world that Barcelona is the ideal city to hold fairs and congresses.

Barcelona: cosmopolitan European city open-minded and open to the sea

What else can a city be asked to host a congress like the MWC? Barcelona is an amalgam of urban, geographical, artistic, cultural and social resources that offer a very special profile. Being a medium-sized city, in terms of km2, it presents itself to the world as cosmopolitan and open to all cultures and budgets.

Its fairground, its hotels, its gastronomic and recreational offer are attractive that, together with its Mediterranean and sunny climate, make it an excellent city to live, visit and celebrate fairs and congresses as the MWC.

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