“Intimate Sessions” musical and artistic evenings to enjoy with the Continental family

Art and music brighten the spirit and connect souls! With this premise, from Hotel Continental we organize the “Intimate Sessions”, a varied set of artistic evenings of different styles that provide endearing moments to our clientele, friends and family.

It is always exciting to organize an “intimate session” exclusive moments reserved for our guests and friends to connect and enjoy the best music of different styles and, of course, more folkloric sessions, such as the “masterclass” of “sevillanas” and flamenco. 

We share with you some of the recent “Intimate Sessions” 

To convey the atmosphere that is generated, we share some of the latest sessions that have been especially endearing.

Sevillanas Hotel Continental Palacete Noemi Osorio

Sevillanas with the group of Noemi Osorio

Noemí Osorio is a great flamenco professional, as well as a sevillanas teacher. With her group, she offers a brilliant session of flamenco singers together with guitar, as well as impressive “bailaoras” of sevillanas.

After the show, we all went out to dance and enjoy this typically Spanish music. Whether or not you know how to dance sevillanas, you are going to have a great time to the rhythm of music and flamenco joy. 

Dona Gospel lloc de la dona hotel continental

Gospel charity concert with “Dona Gospel” 

At the beginning of June we were lucky enough to enjoy this choir organized by the entity “El Lloc de la Dona” (the place of women, in Spanish) from our beloved neighborhood of Raval.

“El Lloc de la Dona” is an NGO that belongs to the religious congregation of “Hermanas Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor”. A congregation that was born in 1870 in Madrid with the aim of welcoming and accompanying women in contexts of prostitution, victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and/or in a situation of social exclusion. A task that is carried out in care centers, residential resources and/or approaching places where prostitution is practiced from different areas of social action, as well as through the presence on platforms and different actions to raise social awareness and political advocacy. They do a outstanding social work at the Raval since 1984.

In Barcelona, ??they have created this choir, called “Dona Gospel” made up of more than 15 women with incredible voices and talent who delighted us with a beautiful repertoire. 

Joe Palmist Hotel Continental Palacete

Joe Palmist: the rhythm of pop and folk 

Musician and music producer, Joe Palmist is also founder and director of the first African Gospel Choir & Frontman for Alma afrobeat Ensemble.

His sessions are very lively, difficult to remain sit in the chair…

A repertoire of songs that are “hits” of pop and “folk” that will surely lift your spirits and the desire to dance!

Stay with us and enjoy the “Intimate Sessions”!

The “Intimate sessions” are undoubtedly one more reason to choose Continental Hotels for your stay in Barcelona!

Enjoy this sessions with complimentary cava (the Catalan champagne) and with the great offer of snacks, dishes and drinks from our 24/7 buffet.

Enjoy the music and the endearing atmosphere that surrounds these sessions!

A whole occasion to celebrate friendship, family and hospitality!

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