by Hotel Continental | Dec 19, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
Today is a big day for the Barcelona World Race as the Barcelona World Race Expo is opened, effectively setting in motion an active, exciting pre-start period which will certainly draw big crowds to the Moll Barcelona World Race site on the edge of the Marina Port...
by Hotel Continental | Dec 17, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
Barcelona by vil da bli invadert med løpere fra hele verden i forbindelse med at Barcelona maraton finner sted 6. Mars 2011. Løpet starter kl 08.30 på Avinguida Maria Cristina (sjekk den offisielle hjemmesiden i tilfelle endringer) og den maksimalt tillatte tiden er 6...
by Hotel Continental | Dec 15, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
The city will be invaded with runners from all over the world, when The Barcelona marathon takes place on March 6th 2011. The race begins at 08:30 at Avinguida Maria Cristina (please check the official web site in case of changes) and the maximum time allowed is...
by Hotel Continental | Dec 14, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
La Marató de Barcelona tindrà lloc el diumenge 6 març 2011, al llarg d’un recorregut totalment urbà. La cursa és 42.195 quilòmetres de llarg i està certificat per la federació d’atletisme català, a través d’una comissió autoritzada de la IAAF....
by Hotel Continental | Dec 13, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Palacete
Le Marathon de Barcelone aura lieu le Dimanche 6 Mars 2011, tout au long d´un itinéraire totalement urbain. La course s´étend sur une longueur de 42,195 km et est autorisée (reconnue) par la Fédération Catalane d’Athlétisme, à travers du comité de l’IAAF....
by Hotel Continental | Dec 12, 2010 | Barcelona, Hotel Continental, Hotel Palacete
The Marató de Barcelona will take place on Sunday March 6th 2011, along a fully urban route. The race is 42,195Km long and is certified by the Catalan Athletics federation, through an authorised commission of the IAAF. Enjoy Barcelona running along the streets and all...