Common sense, responsibility, and trust

Today, allow me to be the first-person narrator. I need to share with you the enormous concern that we Barcelonans feel about the alarming news released by our “authorities” which, as is usual in all the media, are amplified, dramatized, and try to search at all costs for the most negative side of things. To make us feel fear and desolation.

In line with this, a few days ago, my friend Paula Fernández Ochoa wrote a post on LinkedIn that reproduced my thoughts in an exemplary way, here I share it with you:


?Enough is enough?

There is no right on public television to fill us only with news that is real drama and the most absolute evil or madness! What kind of message do you want to instill in us, that the world is ending, that we are adrift? Until stealing the last bit of illusion and being absolute headless puppets… Come on!!!

There are still companies that succeed, scientists with magnificent advances, gifts from nature, great sports exploits, and a hundred thousand other things that could fill us with life and the desire to fight for it, enjoy it and make it beautiful. But no, you only teach us depraved people who rape, kill, mistreat… accidents… illnesses and deaths… companies that are sinking… abuse of power by politicians and authorities…

I refuse! My holy heart shrinks!

To those “up there”:

#BASTAYA #ItIsEnough

And for those of us who are “down here”:

More good sense and goodness

Sorry but: #ICannotNorWantMoreOfThisGarbage

Barcelona safer than ever 

You can say it aloud, but not clearer. In this way, we can summarize how the media avoid the security provided by the infinite efforts that we have made in hotels, restaurants, shops in Barcelona, ??centers of culture – and I am referring to Barcelona because I see it with my own eyes.

I have heard from a colleague “Catalonia is closed” and from a friend “I am not going to Barcelona because it is full of coronaviruses …”, please!!! It is really irresponsible to launch messages that are not true and to focus only on explaining the cases of covid19 that, on the other hand, also occur in other EU countries.

According to Eurostat, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom register more than 100,000 cases.

Barcelona is Safe hotel Continental Barcelona


Unfortunately, we are going to live with Covid-19 for quite some time yet, it is essential to focus the discourse and efforts on security, trust, and responsibility. Only in this way can we mitigate the dramatic consequences that this pandemic is having and will have in our country and in the world.

My walks around Barcelona today

I am in Barcelona, ??I walk every day and observe the reality of my dearest city of Barcelona and its reality, and what I see is that we are alone, there is nobody in the shops, in the restaurants, in the hotels, in the museums…

How can they say that it is not safe to come to Barcelona? The only thing that is not safe is to be exposed to the virus that, remember, primes with older people and with those who have a previous insufficiency or illness.

If you are a responsible visitor and put into practice the protection and security measures, there is no safer city.

Barcelona is safe  Hotel Continental

Responsibility is to assume consequences and apply common sense

The crisis that we are suffering and that we are going to suffer in the coming months is leaving and, more than it will, huge amounts of small and medium-sized companies that must close, unemployment is already increasing dramatically….

While all companies, like us, have a great desire to work, to welcome, and to offer wonderful experiences to the people who visit us.

Please do not panic, here we are living incredible tranquility. At Hotel Continental, like other hotel establishments, restaurants, shops, museums… we are safe. Let us be responsible, let us tell the truth of the situation, and work to build the trust, security, protection, and encouragement that we need so much.

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