2015 BAM (Barcelona Acció Musical) will be held the 18th to 23th September in different areas of Barcelona.

The festival is the best bet for emerging groups of pop, rock and electronica. In the programming of this BAM 2015, we highlight Metz Canadians, Vetiver and Saun & Starr American, British and Australian Jane Weawer Blank Realm.

BAM concerts Barcelona

As to the local artistes we can enjoy the feeling of the Balearic pop, Beach Beach, Nuria Graham and electronic pop of Ocellot among many others. With over 40 groups and 20 years of experience, the BAM festival is a reference for all of southern Europe.

Take a visit to Barcelona and BAM for the celebrations of the city patron Saint Mercè.

To know the program visiti the official website http://lameva.barcelona.cat/bam/en/

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